Membership - 2025

Bray Golf Club prides itself on providing golf membership to residents of the town of Bray and surrounding areas for more than 125 years since the Club was founded in 1897. While we are a Club steeped in history, we also see ourselves as a progressive forward thinking Club who understands the changing needs of the golfing public. To this end we strive to provide a flexible choice of membership options which we believe provide opportunities to golfers with a wide range of needs.

To view the details of our current membership options please see below.If you would like to download an application form please click here.

Full Ordinary Membership - AVAILABILITY

Full Ordinary Membership - AVAILABILITY

Full Ordinary Members of Bray Golf Club are entitled to avail of all the amenities of the Club and to attend and vote at General Meetings of the Club.
Currently we are delighted to be able to offer you the opportunity to join this progressive Club as a Full Ordinary Member. We also have a Direct Debit scheme available to Members to pay their annual charges over a period of 10 months from Year 2 onwards
Full Ordinary Members of Bray Golf Club enjoy the following benefits of their membership :

• Competitions : A Full Ordinary Member who has an official Golf Ireland handicap will be allowed to participate in competitions throughout the week.
• Casual Golf : Full Ordinary Members may play casual golf throughout the week subject to timesheet availability.
 Invitation & Open Competitions : Full Ordinary Members who have an official Golf Ireland handicap may enter Open Competitions in Bray Golf Club and invite guests to play with them.
• Member Guests : Full Ordinary Members are entitled to invite guests to play casual golf with them at Member Guest Rates throughout the week subject to timesheet availability.
• Buggy Hire : Full Ordinary Members are entitled to avail of Member Rates in relation to the hire of buggies.

Capital Investment Contribution €2,500 (Once Off Charge) 

Annual Charges.
The annual subscription and charges for Full Ordinary Members are as follows :

Annual Subscription €1,845
Social Credit Levy €  100
Golfers Insurance €   25
Golf Ireland Subscription € 28

If you have a query regarding any of our options please contact (01) 2763200 ext. 5 or e-mail [email protected] with your enquiry.

Six-Day Membership - Waiting List in Operation

Six-day Members

  • Will be entitled to avail of all the facilities of the Clubhouse with full playing rights to play golf on the course on any day from Monday to Saturday inclusive.
  • Will not be entitled to attend or vote at General Meeting of the Club.
  • The number of Six-day Members shall not at any time exceed 150.
  • The Annual Subscription shall be 80% of the corresponding amount for an Ordinary Member.

Currently we are delighted to be abe to offer you the opportunity to join this progressive Club as a Six-Day Member. We also have a Direct Debit scheme available to Members to pay their annual charges over a period of 10 months from year 2 onwards.

Six-Day Members of Bray Golf Club enjoy the following benefits of their membership

  • Competitions: A Six-day member who has an official Golf Ireland  handicap will be allowed to participate in competitions on weekdays. They are also entitled to participate in the Saturday Qualifying round for the Captain's Prize but they are not permitted to qualify for the Final Day.
  • Casual Golf: Six-Day members may play casual golf on Mondays, Tuesdays (limited availability), Thursdays and Fridays subject to timesheet availability.
  • Open Competitions: Six-Day Members who have an official Golf Ireland  handicap may enter Open Competitions in Bray Golf Club and invite affiliated guests to play with them.
  • Invitation Competitions: Six-day members who have an official Golf Ireland  handicap may enter Weekend Invitation Competitions.
  • Member Guests: Six-day Members are entitled to invite guests to play casual golf with them on Mondays' Tuesdays (limited availability), Thursdays and Fridays at Member Guest Rates.
  • Buggy Hire: Six day members are entitled to avail of Member Rates in relation to the hire of buggies.

Capital Investment Contribution - €2,000 (Once off charge)

Annual Charges

Annual Subscription €1,568
Social Credit Levy €85
Golfer's Insurance €25
Golf Ireland Subscription €28

If you have a query regarding any of our options please contact our General Manager, James Murphy on (01) 2763200 ext. 5 or e-mail [email protected] with your enquiry.

Five-day Membership - AVAILABILITY

Five-day Members

are entitled to;
  • avail of all the facilities of the clubhouse
  • play golf on the course on any day from Monday to Friday inclusive.
Five-day Members are not however entitled to attend or vote at General Meetings of the Club.

Currently we are delighted to be able to offer you the opportunity to join our progressive Club as a Five-day Member. We have an instalment (Direct Debit) scheme available to Members to pay their annual charges over a period of 10 months from Year 2 onwards

Five-day Members of Bray Golf Club enjoy the following benefits of their membership :

 • Competitions : A Five-Day Member who has an official 
GolfIreland handicap will be allowed to participate in competitions on weekdays. They are also entitled to participate in the Saturday Qualifying Round for the Captain’s Prize but they are not permitted to qualify for the Final Day.
• Women's Competitions: Women can win any prize on Day 1 of the Captain's Prize. I.E: Net, Gross, Front and Back 9, But are not eligible to win the Captain's Prize. 5/6 Day members will together compete for a 36 hole overall first and second prize.
 • Casual Golf : Five-day Members may play casual golf on Mondays, Tuesdays (limited availability), Thursdays and Fridays subject to timesheet availability.
 • Open Competitions : Five-day Members who have an official 
GolfIreland handicap may enter Open Competitions in Bray Golf Club and invite guests to play with them. Five-day Members will pay the visitor entry fee.
 • Invitation Competitions : Five-day Members who have an official 
GolfIreland handicap may enter Weekend Invitation Competitions but they will be required pay the visitor entry fee.
 • Member Guests : Five-day Members are entitled to invite guests to play casual golf with them on Mondays, Tuesdays (limited availability), Thursdays and Fridays at Member Guest Rates.
 • Buggy Hire : Five-day Members are entitled to avail of Member Rates in relation to the hire of buggies.

Capital Investment Contribution €1,500 (Once Off Charge)

The annual subscription and charges for Five-day Members are as follows :

Annual Subscription € 1,292
Social Credit Levy € 65
Golfers Insurance € 25
Golf Ireland Subscription € 28

If you have a query regarding any of our options please contact our General Manager, James Murphy on (01) 2763200 ext. 5 or e-mail [email protected] with your enquiry.

Beginner Membership - Availability

Beginner Member: - Availability

Beginner Membership is open to new members who never had an ILGU/GUI/GolfIreland golf handicap or a facilitated membership of Bray Golf Club.
Beginner Members

  • May use the club and all its amenities.
  • May play casual golf and a limited number of competitions at times decided by the Men’s and Ladies’ Committees.
  • Shall have an annual subscription of 25% of the amount for an Ordinary Member.
  • Membership is restricted to one 12 month period.
  • They may upgrade to another category at any time if there is availability in other categories
  • Any transition to upgrade to another category if available will incur a Joining Fee rate applicable at the time.

Premium Clubhouse Membership - AVAILABILITY

Premium Clubhouse Membership is a category of membership designed to provide access to golf with a handicap at reduced cost, with restricted playing rights on the course. It is particularly suited to someone considering taking up golf, young entrants who may not be able to take up Full Membership at the moment or persons who because of job mobility are unable to commit to the area at present. Premium Clubhouse Members are entitled to use the Club and all its amenities but with restricted golfing rights. Premium Clubhouse Members will not be entitled to attend or vote at General Meetings of the Club.

We are delighted to be able to offer you the opportunity to join this progressive Club as a Premium Clubhouse Member and we have a Direct Debit scheme whereby annual charges can be paid over a period of 10 months from the 2nd year onwards.

Premium Clubhouse Members enjoy the following benefits of their membership:

  • Singles Competitions : Each Premium Clubhouse Member who has an official GolfIreland handicap will be allowed to participate in 5 singles competitions during the main qualifying season. The competitions for which Premium Clubhouse Members will be eligible to play will be determined annually by the Men’s & Ladies Committees.
  • Green Fees : Premium Clubhouse Members will each receive 15 green fee vouchers to use for casual golf on Mondays, Tuesdays (limited availability), Thursdays and Fridays.
  • Open Competitions : Premium Clubhouse Members, who have an official GolfIreland handicap, may enter Open Competitions in Bray Golf Club and invite guests to play with them. Premium Clubhouse Members will pay the visitor entry fee.
  • Invitation Competitions : Premium Clubhouse Members, who have an official GolfIreland handicap, may enter Weekend and Bank Holiday Invitation Competitions but they are not entitled to invite guests. Premium Clubhouse Members will pay the visitor entry fee. For Men’s Invitation Competitions on Wednesdays Premium Clubhouse Members can only play after 12noon if they are invited by a Full or Five Day Member of Bray Golf Club. Again the Premium Clubhouse Members would be required to pay the visitor entry fee.
  • Member Guests : Premium Clubhouse Members are entitled to invite guests to play casual golf with them on Mondays, Tuesdays (limited availability), Thursdays and Fridays at Member Guest Rates.
  • Buggy Hire : Premium Clubhouse Members are entitled to avail of Member Rates in relation to the hire of buggies.

Capital Investment Contribution - €1,000 (Once Off Charge)

Annual Charges.
The annual subscription and charges for Premium Clubhouse Members are as follows :


If you have a query regarding any of our options please contact our General Manager, James Murphy on(01) 2763200 ext. 5 or e-mail [email protected] with your enquiry.

Clubhouse Membership

Clubhouse Members are entitled to use the Club and all its amenities but with restricted golfing rights as set out below. Clubhouse Members will not be entitled to attend or vote at General Meetings of the Club.

Clubhouse Members enjoy the following benefits of their membership :

  • Two complimentary rounds of golf (18 holes) annually.
  • Eight rounds of golf annually at the reduced rate of 50% of the green fee applying on the day per 18 holes when using your concessionary vouchers. These vouchers are not transferable. Green fees will be accepted on any day of the week except when a competition is in progress.
  • You may bring along a guest for the reduced green fee of 75% of the green fee applying on the day Monday to Friday.
  • Access to the Club’s excellent restaurant facilities throughout the week.
  • The Social Committee organises a varied programme of events throughout the year, details of which are posted in advance in the Clubhouse. You may attend all such functions.
  • You may avail of all other Clubhouse facilities including the Bar, Snooker Room and Professional Shop plus the option to hire our Meeting Rooms or to hold a function in the Clubs Function Area.
  • Access to the Club’s very impressive practice facilities including the practice range and the putting and chipping greens which are all adjacent to the Clubhouse. Baskets of practice balls are available from the external locker room at special rates for Members.
  • Inclusion in the Club’s Social Supplement Scheme which will enable you to purchase drink at a significantly reduced price. The current Social Supplement contribution for Clubhouse Members is €100. This amount can be topped up throughout the year. Each Clubhouse Member will be given a Members Card as part of the scheme and this card can be used in both the restaurant and the bars.
  • Use of the golf buggies at the reduced rate applying to other Members.
  • You are welcome to play in the mini-mixed 9-hole competitions normally played on Friday evenings during the main golfing season.

Annual Charges

The annual subscription and charges for Clubhouse Members are as follows :

Subscription Rate    €175
Social Levy               €100
Insurance                  €25

If you have a query regarding any of our options please contact our General Manager, James Murphy on (01) 2763200 ext. 5 or e-mail [email protected] with your enquiry.

Junior Membership

Bray Golf Club are delighted to welcome junior members to Bray Golf Club. As a junior member you are entitled to use the club and all its amenities.  

Junior Members

  • Junior Members are young persons between the ages of 10 and 18 years who are still attending full time primary or second level education.
  • However, Junior Members whose second level education extends past 18 years of age will be permitted to continue as Junior Members until they complete their studies at second level.
  • The number of Junior Members is capped at 150 so if there is potential talent in your household, sign them up as soon as possible.

Notwithstanding any other provision of these rules the membership of a Junior member shall be automatically renewed on an annual basis subject to the approval of the Management Committee.

The annual subscription for a Junior Member shall be approximately one eighth of the corresponding amount for an Ordinary Member or €233     

If you have a query regarding any of our options please contact our General Manager, James Murphy on (01) 2763200 ext. 5 or e-mail [email protected] with your enquiry. alternatively you can download an application form by clicking on the link below.


Intermediate Membership - Waiting List in Operation

Intermediate Members - Waiting List in Operation

  • Intermediate Membership is open to golfers between the ages of 21 and 33 inclusive.
  • Intermediate Members shall be entitled to avail of all the facilities of the Clubhouse and to the same playing rights as Ordinary Members.
  • Intermediate Members are not eligible to win the Captains prize.
  • The number of Intermediate Members shall be capped at 40.
  • The combined number of Intermediate Members and Ordinary members shall not exceed 575.
  • The annual Subscriptions for Intermediate Members shall be divided into three age categories as follows
Intermediate Membership Charges
21 - 27 Years Thirty per-cent of the corresponding amount for an Ordinary Member
28 - 30 Years Fifty per-cent of the corresponding amount for an Ordinary Member
31 - 33 Years Seventy per-cent of the corresponding amount for an Ordinary Member


Social Membership - AVAILABILITY

Social Members

Social membership is open to
  • Non-playing spouses/partners of members of Bray Golf Club
  • Non-playing parents/guardians of Juniors or Students,
  • Former members of the Club who were members for at least ten years
  • Any other persons.
The election of Social Members shall be subject to the approval of the Management Committee 
Social members are entitled to use the Club and all its amenities but may not play golf on the course except on payment of the appropriate green fee as determined by the Management Committee.

The Annual Subscription for Social Membership shall be €88 lodged to their membership card less the cost of the card.

Social members may top up their card in any multiples they choose.

Please contact the office on (01) 2763000 or email [email protected] for further details.

Our General Manager, James Murphy would be delighted to have the opportunity to discuss our membership options with you or to answer any questions that you may have about the respective categories of membership and the benefits available as a Member of Bray Golf Club. Should you wish to contact James please phone (01) 2763200 ext. 5. Alternatively e-mail Bray Golf Club with your enquiry.